As a mom to an active tot I was very excited for my son to try the Mobo Mity. At 36” tall he is not quite tall enough to pedal just any traditional tricycle - sometimes he can’t put enough weight on his legs to get the pedals going. After seeing the Mobo Mity on the Mobo Cruiser’s website I knew I wanted my son to try it because it would make pedaling easier. Check out the video below and you’ll see what I mean. With the seat being closer to the ground my son’s legs can generate the strength needed to be able to push the pedals with ease.

We received the Mobo Mity in a smaller box than I expected so my husband thought he better get his screwdriver and wrench out so he can put it together. To our surprise, the Mobo Mity came in just two pieces (three if you count the flag) and required absolutely no tools! It is amazingly simple to assemble- just put the two pieces together and turn the knob to tighten the screw. The only thing I had to consider when putting the two pieces together was my son’s height. I like that the Mobo Mity will grow with my son (at least until a certain age). In fact, I love this feature! There are a few notches to adjust for height, making the Mobo Mity more utile, especially if purchased when your kids are two.
Once assembled the Mobo Mity is ready to go. My son was able to start pedaling only after a couple of tries and then there was no stopping him! The steering is pretty unique, yet intuitive, with the back wheels controlling the steering direction instead of the one front wheel. One of my favorite features of the Mobo Mity is the no flat wheels. The wheels are made from this foam type material so you don’t have to pump air into the tires.
We are excited to that my son can ride his Mobo Mity so that we can get outdoors and take some family rides together - bye bye bicycle trailer!
Oh, and don’t miss the 30% off all Mobo Cruisers sale going on during the month of May (exclusively at Sears).
*Received free product in exchange for review.